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Open 1200 McGrath Laryngoscope Case w/ display item

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1200 McGrath® Laryngoscope Case


The McGrath® Laryngoscope Case has a custom foam insert, fabricated by The Case Store, for a McGrath® MAC EMS Video Laryngoscope, accessories and spare blades. This case features shock-absorbing ester foam to protect the equipment, secured in a durable, polymer shell.

The Pelican™ 1200 Case with a custom foam insert, fabricated by The Case Store, is ideal for keeping a McGrath® MAC EMS Video Laryngoscope, accessories and spare blades secure when traveling or shipping the equipment. The watertight, crushproof and dustproof construction provides an optimal storage solution for EMS paramedics, firefighters and first responders.

Case Features:

  • Ester lid foam and custom-cut foam glued to base of case
  • Watertight, Crushproof and Dustproof
  • Double-Throw Latch System
  • Automatic Pressure Equalization Valve
  • O-ring seal   
  • Stainless Steel Hardware and Padlock Protectors
  • Two Padlock Eyelets 
  • Unconditional Lifetime Guarantee (excludes custom interior)
  • Contents Not Included

Case Certifications:

  • IP67 Testing Parameters