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Pelican™ 1720 Solid Foam Set

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Pelican™ 1720 Solid Foam Set


The Pelican™ 1721 3-piece replacement foam set is specifically designed to fit Pelican™ 1720 cases.

Foam with item-specific cutouts provides a snug and secure resting place for items when cases are being transported through the airport or across rugged terrain.

All Pelican form


The Pelican™ 1721 3-piece replacement foam set is specifically designed to fit Pelican™ 1720 cases. Set includes:

  • One solid foam lid
  • One solid foam piece for the middle
  • One solid foam piece for the bottom

Foam Layers: Layer 1 (Lid): 1.65" Pad /  Layer 2 (Base): 1.65" Pad /  Layer 3 (Base): 1.65" Pad